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Make It Wood

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

Planet Ark's Make It Wood - Do Your World Some Good campaign aims to encourage the increased use of responsibly sourced wood as a building material.

When sourced responsibly, wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change by storing carbon. This is because wood is a low carbon option for building - when used in long-lived applications it stores carbon for the long-term, it is renewable and it has a lower embodied energy than many other building materials such as concrete, steel or plastics. As such, using wood allows us to live a low carbon lifestyle.

When sourced responsibly, wood can play a big part in helping tackle climate change by storing carbon.

Make It Wood by Planet Ark in partnership with Forest and Wood Products Australia, believes that what remains of our high conservation forests must be protected and treasured.

Benefits of Wood

There are many benefits of using responsibly sourced wood, these include;

  1. Helping to tackle climate change

  2. Wood stores carbon

  3. Responsibly sourced wood is renewable

  4. Produces less carbon dioxide

  5. Wood is good for health and wellbeing

  6. Wood is durable

  7. Wood is a natural insulator

  8. Structurally strong

  9. Fast and efficient to build with

  10. Can be cheaper than other building materials

  11. Wood is naturally beautiful

Making the Right Choice

When choosing wood it is important to make the right choice in order to avoid buying illegally logged imported wood or wood from forests of high conservation value. At Wellington Architectural we source all of our timber to manufacture our panels from FSC certified suppliers.

We are currently in the process of formalising our commitment to using responsibly sourced wood with Chain of Custody accreditation.

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